The 6th Annual Golf Tournament

Monday, October 14, 2024 8:30 AM

Building homes and transforming lives.

Providing a home to a family in need is more than a donation. It's an investment in their family and their futures.

What We Do

In collaboration with our scholarship students, we build and renovate homes that are not only bigger, they are more structurally sound and safe. Through our efforts, families receive more dignified housing that not only benefits them and their children, but also the community.

Housing Programs
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We ensure that every person has a place to call home, giving stability and security.

Community Development

By encouraging close-knit neighborhoods, we strengthen the fabric of society and enable collective progress.


We give families the tools they need to maintain their homes and build sustainable futures.


We believe that every individual deserves a dignified living space that promotes well-being and self-worth.


Fund a home for ONLY $1500

Donating to build a home holds the power to change lives in profound ways. Your contribution doesn't just construct walls; it constructs dreams, stability, and futures. It provides a family with a secure haven, a place where they can thrive, grow, and build memories. Your support offers dignity to those in need, giving them a step toward a better life. By donating to build a home, you become a partner in transforming not only physical spaces but also the trajectories of lives, giving hope and laying the groundwork for brighter tomorrows.

I am very grateful to Make a Miracle for all the support provided over these years, both in my studies and personally. I am also very thankful for the people I have been able to meet. The impact that Make a Miracle has left on me, my family, and all the people who join this beautiful family has been very significant. Currently, I am working in what I love the most, and this would not have been possible without all the support received from Make a Miracle.

AImar B.


Make a Miracle was a significant event in my life. Getting to experience what it means to give a little of yourself to others and have it returned to you in the same way, multiplied by a thousand, is something magnificent. Thanks to this, I can now support my family and fulfill my dreams.

Craig Castro


I am very grateful for the opportunity that Make a Miracle is giving me; not only the scholarship, but getting to know wonderful people, people that you can really trust and who give good life advice. Make a Miracle is not only an organization, we are a team, a family and now I see that many good things exist in the world. I have heard many stories of overcoming and survival from the people who make up this large family. It fills me with many emotions and I see that I really share something in common with my companions: a desire to get ahead, to help your family and neighbors, with the objective of bringing out a happiness that comes from the depths of our hearts.

Alejandra A.

Current Student

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